Post Forty: Tragedy hits Kitty Village!

Tragedy Hits Kitty Village!








Samantha, our female feline here at Kitty Village, somehow sustained a very bad leg injury over night. Samantha, who we call Sam, came limping to breakfast this morning with her left front arm badly swollen.

We put her into the Kitty Village Meowbulance and rushed her to the Veterinary Hospital.

The doctor found that Samantha was running a high fever with damage to her dewclaw and a bad gash on her arm . Her wounds were also badly bleeding.

The big question is how it happened????

Did she get it caught in something or was it a fight?

Well, Samantha is back home resting and living indoors with her mother Smokey for now. We will be caring for her wound and administering medication for the next several days during her recovery, if everything goes well, here at Kitty Village Hospital.

The wall protecting the Villagers is about fifty percent finished. I now have to speed up the process at any cost to protect these wonderful animals.

Stay posted for more on Sam and her reunion with Smokey.

Thank you for reading Kitty Village News


Post Thirty Nine: Thank You Chewy!

Post Thirty Nine: Thank You Chewy!

For Kitty Village we use for our Villagers needs.

Not long ago while talking with a Representative, she asked me about my pets and I told her about Kitty Village and especially about Smokey. 

To our surprise we receive this special package from Chewy.

Inside the package was this beautiful painting of Smokey.

They must have gone onto Kitty Village News to find Smokey so they could paint her portrait. has always been a top notch company to work with over the years. But, they just hit the ball right out of the park.

All our Villagers here at Kitty Village unanimously say, “ is Purrrfect!


              Pictured above is Smokey along with Bandit, Orangey, Pete, Samantha, and Teddy. They are all the Villagers that presently live at Kitty Village and they all say thank you!

Thank you Chewy!

And thank you for reading Kitty Village News.


Post Thirty Eight: More on Smokey

Post Thirty Eight : More on Smokey

Smokey is a feral cat who settled on my property in 2015 and razed her family of three along with her mate Bandit. Smokey ended up being the most unusual and most amazing cat we have ever seen. 

As the story goes in April of 2018 Smokey suffered a traumatic eye injury in which her right eye had to be removed. Smokey could not return to the village due to her injury so became our house cat until the Village Wall is built. You see the Fence/Wall is necessary to keep the Villagers from wondering away and predators from entering the Village to cause harm.

In the mean time Smokey is enjoying her new life we gave her due to all that have helped which Smokey would thank you herself if she could.

A special thanks to Susan Hoag who has been an ongoing supporter to Kitty Village and Smokey.



Smokey has developed an interest that I have not seen in any other cat. She will sit for hours watching.

And when she gets tired she will rest her head on the stair case railing.


Yes, she gets involved watching television. You can see her moving her head following whats going on.

Smokey also loves to be held and purr’s so loudly.

Thank you all again and Thank you for reading Kitty Village News.


Post Thirty Seven: Another Fight

Another Cat Fight in Kitty Village

Samantha and Orangey are at it again. They seem to take turns attacking each other with this bout brought on by Samantha. This act was a deliberate ambush that I caught on my home security camera. When we returned home from shopping, we noticed large clumps of hair on the porch floor and by reviewing the camera footage I found the culprit.

Samantha looks so innocent as does Orangey.

The following video may be disturbing to some, but I assure you they both escaped with out injury.

Samantha saw Orangey on the porch and deliberately sat and waited just outside the door to ambush her.

Remember that Orangey is not an angel either.

Thank you for reading Kitty Village News.


Post Thirty Six: The Visitor

We have different visitors come to Kitty Village through out the year.

Some are not welcomed but some are like our New Year’s Eve visitors.

Momma Peacock and her family

Watch below. Just before our visitor shows up Teddy is giving Pete a good ear cleaning as Orangey looks on.

Note: In the cat world ear wax is a delicacy.

I was unable to capture the visitor on video but, the visitor was…

Thank you for reading Kitty Village News.


Post Thirty Five: Happy New Year!

The Villagers partied all through the night till sunrise.

Here are some of the party goers walking home this morning

Every one here at Kitty Village would like to wish you all a Healthy and Happy


Thank you for Reading Kitty Village News


Post Thirty Four: Late for Supper

Did you ever wonder what happens when your late for supper at Kitty Village?

This is Pete, and whenever it is raining during supper time Pete  hides and does not come out until the rain settles down.

Pete’s personality is timid and shy. If you move too fast or make a loud noise, Pete is off to the races.

That’s why when he is late for supper, Kitty Village Management goes into overtime.

This is Pete eating on the outside table.

Whenever Pete is late for supper, and the rest of the Villagers have finished their meal, Kitty Village Managers go into action.

If Pete’s dinner bowl is placed on the floor of the porch all the other Villagers race over to eat, and Pete backs away.

So Pete has to be fed outside, and the Villager’s door must be blocked.

We have to gather all the other Villager’s and get them onto the porch. This prevents any of the them from going out the door and stopping Pete from eating.

It is a cat frenzy, wanting to get off the porch at that point.  It takes a few seconds of soothing negotiations and every one calms down.

We hate when it rains during feeding time here at Kitty Village.

Well, everyone is now calm and Pete got to eat his meal. Can’t wait till breakfast.

Thank you for reading Kitty Village News.


Post Thirty Three: Kitty it’s Cold Outside!

Yes, another cold front has hit Kitty Village, making it the coldest this year here in Sunny South Florida.

Much different then up north, here at Kitty Village the temperature dropped to 44 degrees and then will warm up to 70 degrees and then drop down again. You start your day with a coat and then switch to shorts.

Lucky for the Villagers, they have a contract with Kitty Village Management to supply heat during cold days here at Kitty Village.

At 7 am today it was a chilling 44 degrees outdoors, but the villagers woke up to  62 degrees on the porch.

Smokey on the other hand is enjoying 75 degree temperature 24/7 with Kiki and Khaki, only having to deal with the colder temperature when they go outside.

We feel sorry for all the other animals in the world without homes tying to survive and those who are not cared for properly.

Thank you for reading Kitty Village News and stay warm.


Post Thirty Two: Excitement at the Village

Excitement at the Village

After feeding the Villagers this morning, instead of the normal laying around cleaning themselves, they all turned their attention to the trees around my pool area.

The next thing that happened I knew was not good. I witnessed a straight line of six cats, nose to tail, running through the cat door out to the trees.

When I followed and inspected the tree where all the Villagers surrounded, I found what had their attention.

A blue parakeet with a leg tag was in the tree

If someone was watching us they would have had a good laugh or thought we were crazy for sure.

I was talking to the parakeet, and when I used the phrase, “good boy” he would repeat it. We first chased away all the villagers and then I tried to get the parakeet to come down to me.

While I was doing this, Betty was doing her best impression of a National Hockey League goalie that I had ever seen before.

Betty did a great job of keeping the Villagers away but unfortunately the parakeet eventually flew away.

Our rescue attempt failed. I need to get a butterfly net in case he returns.

Thank you for reading Kitty Village News.


Introducing Teddy

We would like to introduce you to Teddy



Teddy is the biggest villager at Kitty Village in size and is the most gentile villager too. When Teddy was born here at the village, he was the first to make contact with us. He would let you pick him up and then he would melt in your arms relaxing. No other villager would dare do this.


We have never seen Teddy start a fight with anyone. When someone comes to fight with him he usually just lays there uninterested or walks away. Teddy also loves to climb high, as I caught him once on our roof. He will also enter our kitchen but will not dare go further into the house.

Teddy’s Mom and Dad are Smokey and Bandit. He has a brother Pete and a sister Samantha.









Teddy is a wonderful friend here at Kitty Village.



Thank you for reading Kitty Village News.