How is the Village Coping?

Caretakers at Kitty Village are working overtime and are stressed out.

Since the last two tragedies hit the Village, we have been working everyday to enclose the rear yard for the remaining Villagers. Both caretakers are physically building the specialized fence system to keep the Villagers in and predator’s (both human and animal) out. All other projects have been put on hold.

  Last two that went missing.

Samantha and Bandit are still confined to the porch, and I can see every day how they are stressed out. Bandit more so, because his best friend Teddy is gone and Bandit has roamed free his entire life. Bandit is still very much feral. He will not let us come near him with out hissing and taking a defensive posture. He was much calmer when Teddy was here. He probably thinks that we got rid of Teddy, but I hope not. 

  Bandit and Teddy Sleeping Together.

Not seeing Teddy, Orangey, and Petey any more breaks our hearts. Every night, I would sit on the porch with the Villagers and talk to Teddy, Samantha, and Orangey who all would respond with a meow. Now only Samantha talks to me. Being here at the Village everyday is just a reminder of those who are gone. A day does not go by without thinking of them.

  Petey went missing August 2019

So far none of the neighbors have reported finding any animal remains on their property. There have been  coyote attacks in the neighborhood in the past and there are always remains. Not knowing if it was another animal like a Coyote that got them or was it human intervention is driving us crazy. Two Villagers gone almost exactly one month apart and no animal remains does point to the latter of the two theories.

This is unsolved for now and placed into my cold case files.

I must say, if it was a Coyote, that’s nature and I can only be sad. But, if it was Human intervention, well enough said.

A Look at the Past.

Just Kittens new to the world, from left to right, Petey, Samantha, and Teddy. Above, you can see how Smokey (Mom) looked when the kittens were born.


Look how different Smokey’s coat looks now. She is an absolutely wonderful house cat. Sad to say but maybe it was a good thing for her to lose her eye.

Bandit, a beautiful looking animal. I wish he would begin to trust us more, but only time will tell.

Petey and Teddy sleeping together.

Orangey and Kiki got along wonderfully.

Orangey helping with the feeders.

Well, we must move on for the sake of the others and get the Village finished. We hope that the missing will return. If not, we might be able to take on a few new needy Villagers in the future.

Bandit and Samantha still on watch for the others to return.

Again, as always, I thank you for reading Kitty Village News.