Post 57: Something is always happening at the Village.

Something is always happening at the Village.

Teddy has somehow injured his left paw.

Call out the Meowambalance.

Teddy has received some type of bad trauma to his left paw. He can not walk on it and there is a visible wound between his swollen toes .

After visiting the Veterinarian,  Teddy’s prescription is being house bound for the next seven days. He is getting pain killers, antibiotics and having his paw soaked in warm water with Epson salt twice a day.

This is all being done on a Villager who does not want to be inside and is vocally stating It. Also, it appears that Teddy’s Mom, Smokey, also does not want him inside.

Smokey has been indoors for over a year now and enjoying it. Smokey watches Teddy limping around the room and once in a while hisses at him. It’s like Smokey is telling Teddy, “you’re not going to ruin a good thing I have going here, so get out!”

Welcome to meow city! Thank God for noise cancelling headsets.

Teddy is in the Village Hospital recovering from his injury.

Teddy in his recovery suite.

Outside in the Village, some of the Villagers are looking for Teddy and waiting for his return.

Bandit and Samantha looking for Teddy.

Needless to say, the Village employees are getting stressed out and cannot wait till the fence project begins.

In Memory of Petey September 15, 2015 – August 31, 2019

Thank you for reading Kitty Village News.


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