Villagers are Stressing us out!

We are stressed out at the Village.

First Petey went missing and now it’s Bandit.

The storm passed the Village Tuesday night so we let the Villagers out. We thought they would run off into the distance but they stayed on the porch and only departed for a bathroom call.

  Teddy and Bandit

Now, Wednesday morning, Bandit does not show up for 8 am breakfast. Oh My God, Bandit has never missed a meal in the four years that we have known him.

Talk about being stressed out… All day we  put the Village back together, opening the hurricane shutters and taking patio and yard items back out, putting up awnings and much much more. All this time, no Bandit.

Now comes dinner time, and Betty does her normal routine which is to call all the Villagers in for dinner. Presently on the porch is only Orangey. Betty stands in the  porch looking out into the yard and shouts out, “Teddy, Samantha, Bandit, Petey, dinner time. Who is hungry?”

No one responds!

My heart falls deep into my stomach, while I watch with disbelief on what is unfolding.

Betty calls out a second time. Then a third time….and then a fourth!

The longest fifteen seconds in my life, then Teddy comes running from around the pool. Samantha is next, charging across the yard, but still no Bandit or Petey.

Betty looks at me with a look that sank my heart even deeper. I tell her to go inside and get their meals ready while I keep calling for Bandit and Petey.

After a couple of minutes Bandit comes running across the yard and into the porch. I yell to Betty that Bandit is here and my heart lifts, but only a little because there is still no Petey.

I am saddened to say that… I’m afraid Petey is gone for good.

Next post will be in tribute to Petey, and what I feel could have possibly happened. We will keep hoping because we want him back.

Thank you for reading Kitty Village News.


2 Replies to “Villagers are Stressing us out!”

  1. Oh my god . What a scare. At least bandit came back but still no pete. Do not give up. We had a showing up after he was gone a year.

  2. You scared the B-Jesus out of me. My hand was on my cell to call you immediately. So glad Bandit is there. Don’t give up …. cats are amazing and he may just show up. Hoping that happens soon …….

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