Saying Goodbye to one of our Villagers.

Sadly it Looks like we are Saying Farewell to one of our Villagers.

The approaching storm was stressful enough, but this is devastating.

The hardest part of caring for Kitty Village is when you lose a Villager.

It seems just like yesterday when Bandit and Smokey decided to have their family on our land, but it actually is four years almost to the date.

Pete on the left looking up.

We fed and cared for them with trips to the veterinarian when needed and even with some major surgery. But losing one is very, very hard.

Pete disappeared Friday evening August 30th not showing up for dinner. He has missed a dinner or breakfast in the past, but always showed up for the next meal. When he did not show up we frantically searched the neighborhood knocking on doors and even posted that he was missing to no avail.

I am so sorry to say that Pete never returned home.

Now that the storm is almost upon us with high winds starting around 5 pm today, I have completed securing the village with all Villagers inside for the storm. They are not happy about these arraignments, but we are not going to lose another Villager.

We will talk about Petey more in my next post, but for now, those in the path of the storm, please take care of your villagers.

Thank you for reading Kitty Village News.


4 Replies to “Saying Goodbye to one of our Villagers.”

  1. We are so sorry to hear that Petey disappeared. Here is hoping that he will ride out the storm somewhere safe and will show up soon.
    Be safe out there, my friends.

  2. So sorry to hear about Petey. But don’t give up yet. Remember how long Pierre was gone and he came back even after they moved to a different apartment. Kitties are amazing ….. praying he comes home.

  3. Oh no….sweet, shy Pete !!!! We pray he’ll surprise us all & be at the door when the storm is over……probably wet but hungry for food and love !!! If not, he will be missed by all of us! But we know he couldn’t possibly had better life than you & Betty gave him every single day!!!

  4. I so sorry to read about Pete. Do not give up hope he might show up again. Cats will surprise you,

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