Introducing Smokey

We would like to Introduce you to Smokey

Back in the fall of 2016 Smokey and Bandit decided to call our land their home and started their family.

Smokey had three kittens that were later named Teddy, Pete, and Samantha.

We would watch Smokey as she intently watched over her kittens always keeping them in sight. She also cautiously let the kittens interact with us to some degree.



When we first met Smokey we observed that her left eye had a smokey haze to it, thus we named her Smokey. It was a few days later that we observed her mate staying in the background also watching very intently to everything that was happening. When we first saw him we laughed and knew instantly his name would be Bandit.


     Hence, we had Smokey and the Bandit.



As time went on, the kittens became more and more trusting of us, but not for Smokey. She always kept her distance and, unlike the kittens, we could never touch her.

We did have to trap her to be spayed and have her ear clipped, marking her as being a feral cat, but that was the closest we ever got to her. Though that would change for a tragic reason.

In the spring of 2018, Smokey came to breakfast with her family as always but this time we observed a horrific wound to her right eye. 

It took two days trying to trap Smokey due to her shying away from the trap. We had to place her food at the entrance to the trap and devise a mechanism that would push her into the trap.

Smokey was rushed to the animal hospital and her life would be forever changed.

Smokey had to endure three surgeries and lost her eye.

We knew at this point that Smokey could not be turned out into the wild again because of her condition.

First, her depth of perception was compromised and secondly, she lost her good eye, leaving her with the smokey hazed eye. We felt she could not defend herself outdoors.






Smokey spent the next two months in a caged habitat that we built her, with 24 hour care. This would be the first time that we got to touch Smokey. She would let Betty pet and hold her because she was the one who fed and cared for her, but I was the one she was afraid of. This was due to every time she needed to be medicated, I was the one who had to grab her, pull her from the habitat, and hold her in a towel. When ever she saw me she would try and hide.

Betty and Smokey developed an amazing bond with each other.

With a few more visits to the animal hospital with some complications, Smokey fully recovered and became a celebrity with who saw her in Kitty Village News and sent a painting of her, saying that she was a special fur baby.

Today, Smokey is living comfortably indoors with us and has adopted our dogs, Kiki and Khaki as her own.


We are so happy here at Kitty Village, that we were able to save her life and give her a comfortable place to live out her years.

Smokey even lets me pet her now and is no-longer afraid of me.

That is the story about Smokey, who is the reason Kitty Village started in the first place.

Thank you for reading Kitty Village News and please share the News with others.



2 Replies to “Introducing Smokey”

    1. Thank you for noticing. The reason we missed her is because she has been camera shy lately. We have update post with Samantha.

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