Kitty Villagers Up in Arms

Breaking News

Kitty Villagers are up in arms about a fellow cat that was brutally killed in Miami, Florida. The perpetrator,  Roberto Hernandez, was pitched a soft deal by Judge Nushin Sayfie.

Roberto Hernandez

On March 8th, 2019, the Miami State Attorney’s Office asked Miami- Dade Circuit Judge Nushin Sayfie to sentence a 19-year-old man to 364 days in jail for his crime.

Hernandez was caught on a video surveillance camera placing a cat into an animal trap enclosure. Roberto Hernandez then proceeded to squirt lighter fluid onto the cat and then set the cat on fire. Hernandez, all by himself, then drank a soda while watching the cat writhing in agony and burning to death. Afterward, he fed the cat to his Pit Bulldogs.

The Villagers agree on the punishment sought by the State Attorney’s Office, but Judge Nushin Sayfie thought differently. She sentenced Roberto Hernandez to five years probation, one hundred hours of community service and withheld adjudication so that he is not considered a felon. Also, she did not seek to have Roberto Hernandez mentally evaluated.


In fact, nearly all violent crime criminals have a history of animal cruelty in their profiles that psychologists have written about.

Albert DeSalvo, the Boston Strangler who killed thirteen women, would shoot arrows into dogs and cats he trapped as a child. Columbine High School killers boasted about mutilating animals for fun. Nicolas Cruz, Parkland Florida shooter, bragged about killing animals for fun.

What kind of judge is this?

  Maybe she hates cats?

Maybe because she was a public defender before Governor Crist appointed her to the Circuit Court in 2007 she favors criminals.


Maybe 12 years is too long for her being a judge?

Most Judges do get swollen heads with their powers. Maybe Limits should be placed on how long a judge can hold office. Most voters do not research who they are voting for.

As Buddha once said,

“There is no wealth like knowledge, and no poverty like ignorance”

Look out, Miami, Florida, you might have a violent criminal on your hands in the near future.

Our Villagers are now busy writing the Governor about Judge Nushin Sayfie.

Thank you for Reading Kitty Village News.