Post Thirty Eight: More on Smokey

Post Thirty Eight : More on Smokey

Smokey is a feral cat who settled on my property in 2015 and razed her family of three along with her mate Bandit. Smokey ended up being the most unusual and most amazing cat we have ever seen. 

As the story goes in April of 2018 Smokey suffered a traumatic eye injury in which her right eye had to be removed. Smokey could not return to the village due to her injury so became our house cat until the Village Wall is built. You see the Fence/Wall is necessary to keep the Villagers from wondering away and predators from entering the Village to cause harm.

In the mean time Smokey is enjoying her new life we gave her due to all that have helped which Smokey would thank you herself if she could.

A special thanks to Susan Hoag who has been an ongoing supporter to Kitty Village and Smokey.



Smokey has developed an interest that I have not seen in any other cat. She will sit for hours watching.

And when she gets tired she will rest her head on the stair case railing.


Yes, she gets involved watching television. You can see her moving her head following whats going on.

Smokey also loves to be held and purr’s so loudly.

Thank you all again and Thank you for reading Kitty Village News.