Post Forty: Tragedy hits Kitty Village!

Tragedy Hits Kitty Village!








Samantha, our female feline here at Kitty Village, somehow sustained a very bad leg injury over night. Samantha, who we call Sam, came limping to breakfast this morning with her left front arm badly swollen.

We put her into the Kitty Village Meowbulance and rushed her to the Veterinary Hospital.

The doctor found that Samantha was running a high fever with damage to her dewclaw and a bad gash on her arm . Her wounds were also badly bleeding.

The big question is how it happened????

Did she get it caught in something or was it a fight?

Well, Samantha is back home resting and living indoors with her mother Smokey for now. We will be caring for her wound and administering medication for the next several days during her recovery, if everything goes well, here at Kitty Village Hospital.

The wall protecting the Villagers is about fifty percent finished. I now have to speed up the process at any cost to protect these wonderful animals.

Stay posted for more on Sam and her reunion with Smokey.

Thank you for reading Kitty Village News