Post Thirty Three: Kitty it’s Cold Outside!

Yes, another cold front has hit Kitty Village, making it the coldest this year here in Sunny South Florida.

Much different then up north, here at Kitty Village the temperature dropped to 44 degrees and then will warm up to 70 degrees and then drop down again. You start your day with a coat and then switch to shorts.

Lucky for the Villagers, they have a contract with Kitty Village Management to supply heat during cold days here at Kitty Village.

At 7 am today it was a chilling 44 degrees outdoors, but the villagers woke up to  62 degrees on the porch.

Smokey on the other hand is enjoying 75 degree temperature 24/7 with Kiki and Khaki, only having to deal with the colder temperature when they go outside.

We feel sorry for all the other animals in the world without homes tying to survive and those who are not cared for properly.

Thank you for reading Kitty Village News and stay warm.