Post Twenty Seven: Do’s and Don’ts About Cat Fighting

The Do’s and the Don’ts of How to Cat fight.

Orangey vs Teddy round one!


Orangey is exhibiting all the proper ways to win a cat fight. You have observed that her ears are back for protection. Her swinging tail is indicating aggression. Her head is held down with her eyes intently observing her target. She is also exposing the entire side of her body to appear larger to her adversary. She truly means business!

Now Teddy agreed to show all the ways not to win a cat fight. Notice, he is in an “I don’t care” posture, also exhibiting a hardly switching tail. With great effort he raises his paws in a poor defensive manor. See the video below showing that he takes three strikes from Orangey.

Disclaimer: No cats were injured during the filming of this video.

Now for the rest of the story!

Don’t worry, after three attacks I stopped the one sided fight. This started right after dinner and for no reason Orangey started the fight. Teddy, who is larger then Orangey, was just laying there kind of saying “I just ate a great meal, please leave me alone”. No matter how many times Orangey attacked Teddy just did not care.

Teddy Won!


The judges anonymous Technical decision was for Teddy based on his ability to hold back and not rip Orangey a new one.  Orangey was then banned from the porch by me.



Foul. Orangey ejected from porch.

Thank you for reading Kitty village News.