Post Twenty Nine: Cold front has hit Kitty Village

Cold Front has hit Kitty Village


 Today November 29th the Villagers woke up to a chilling 46 degrees.

In South Florida that’s COLD! Brrrrr!

Peering out our kitchen door in the morning.

Lucky for the Villagers, on our porch it was a cozy 59 degrees.

Villagers lodging



Here you can see Bandit and Teddy are sharing a bed, with Pete between the beds and Orangey in a bed alone.






On Kitty Village Porch there is a large propane heater that keeps the porch warm for the villagers.






We use one 20 pound propane tank a night to keep the villagers warm.






Don’t worry Samantha was in the Igloo Shelter in front of the heater.



Lucky for the Villagers there are not many cold nights in South Florida.

Thank you for Reading Kitty Village News.