Post Twenty Four: Things Almost Back to Normal and More About Cats

Well things are almost back to normal here in Kitty Village. Smokey’s eye, or lack of an eye, is doing well. She is in good health now and is enjoying exploring the house when she is out of her habitat.


Still uncertain about the new world she is in.
Still hides when she can.









Everyday we let her out for awhile, but you can see she is still more comfortable in her habitat. We can see this with her body language.

For now lets talk about the tail of the cat.  

The position of a cat’s tail can decipher how a cat is feeling. The tail that is straight up is a happy cat who is most likely approachable unless it’s a Halloween cat tail. When you see your cat’s tail straight up and all the hairs puffed out like an upright bottle brush signals your cat feels under a threat.

Tail down indicates scared or threatened. If hidden below or between its legs means that your cat is  insecure or even anxious.

A cat wagging its tail is not the same as a dog.

A fast-thumping moving tail is a good indication that your cat is agitated and should be left alone. A tail moving slowly back and forth is your cat trying to decipher the situation. This slow movement of the tail means he is making up his mind about how he feels. When the tail is curled around something or someone indicates a friendly atmosphere.

Well that’s my tale about tails.

She gets along well with Khaki and Kiki.








And she appears to be happy.








But I’m sure she will be even happier to get back together with her family outdoors.

That’s what I meant by things here at Kitty Village are almost back to normal.

The Fence enclosure is moving ahead slowly. When ever we have time, we are busy building the enclosure. Remember, as said in past posts, this enclosure will protect Smokey with her handicap from other animals and dangers that exist out in the wild and will also protect the rest of the villagers.














Don’t forget to visit Nutty About Nature.

Thank you for reading Kitty Village News.