Introducing Pete

We would like to Introduce you to another Villager and  his name is “Pete”


Pete is on the left enjoying some milk with his brother and sister.








Pete is the shyest of the three kittens born on our land. That being said, is why he was the last to be trapped for the TNVR program in our county. Whenever you call the Villagers for meal time Pete would show up with Smokey. He is a Mama’s boy and as evasive as she.

Pete is a small framed cat, but when you pet him he is nothing but rock solid muscle. Pete is smaller than his brother Teddy and a little bigger than his sister Samantha.


Pete spends most of his time out and about the yard hiding in nature or under the deck or shed. Once in a while he will spend time on the porch with the others. During the winter, when it gets cold at night he is almost always snuggling with someone on the porch.

Like I said, Pete was the last one to be trapped and neutered. We spent over a week slowly persuading him into the trap with his meals.

Before this, I thought I would be clever and trap Pete onto the screen porch and then in the morning place him into the trap.




In the morning I found Pete was gone and the Houdini of cats had escaped. Pete was so motivated that he literally ate a hole in the screen to get out.

This became part of our learning experience with feral cats.



Now if anyone living in the village could be Pete’s best friend, that would be Teddy. These two always show so much affection with each other.



This is not a one time pose for these two buddies.




Over time, Pete became more and more trusting toward us but I still rate him as the shyest of the Villagers.

When it’s feeding time, Pete will tolerate being petted, and some times he will hang around and lounge with the rest of the Villagers. The other Villagers will not run off if approached during this I’m-too-stuffed-to-move event, but Pete will surely bolt away.

Pete and Teddy with their dad, Bandit



For some reason, when Pete was born we thought he was a girl and we named him Petunia. A short time later something popped up and hence we had Pete.



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