Post Twenty One: You Can Not Make This Stuff Up!

Welcome Back to Kitty Village, a Diversified Neighborhood

Here at Kitty Village we have six cats and two dogs who are permanent full-time residents of the Village.

We will also see our part time residents: Egrets, Peacocks, Ibis, and Sea Otters.




Peahen and chicks




Sea Otter

Once in a while we catch a glimpse of an Alligator sunning itself along the canal bank.

When we travel around our neighborhood we will see Horses, Goats, Chickens, Peacocks, Ostriches, Turtles, and Owls.

But, something we do not see often at Kitty Village are the Cone Heads.


Khaki must have gotten jealous over all the attention Smokey was getting that he decided to get in on the fun.

Not one, but two eye patients in Kitty Village Hospital.


Surgery Again.

Khaki developed a Corneal Ulcer and had to have outpatient eye surgery where the Animal Ophthalmologist used a diamond bit to scrape the eye and then put a temporary contact lens in place.


We are looking forward to more quiet times here at the Village.

We will keep you posted on both Smokey and Khaki.

Thank you for reading Kitty Village News.