Smokey’s Recovery Part One

This a continuation from Post One Part B

Today, August 27th, Smokey went through her third surgery.

She was operated on by an Animal Ophthalmologist who specializes solely on animal eye care. The doctor found a very large cyst in Smokey’s eye socket. The cyst and all the eye debris was removed and taken down to the bone.


Poor Smokey

For the next fourteen days we will be caring for Smokey around the clock with medication and keeping her calm. She will have to wear the cone collar for the next forty eight hours and then it can be removed  only while we are diligently monitoring her in her habitat. On September tenth she will return back to the specialist to have her stitches removed and if all goes well the collar then can be removed.

When we took Smokey out of the house this morning, in the pet carrier, I placed it on the floor inside the porch and Bandit, Teddy, and Samantha all intently greeted her with loud purring.

We will keep you posted on a regular bases through out her recovery.

Thank you all for your well wishes for Smokey. She is a champ!


Thank you for ready Kitty Village News.


One Reply to “Smokey’s Recovery Part One”

  1. Hoping Smokey does well post surgery. With 2 awesome caretakers like you she’s bound to great. Love your hearts.

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