Post Seventeen: Kitty Village Celebration

Welcome Back to Kitty Village News


Well today is August 8th and the villagers are in full celebration mode.







You see, today is International Cat Day!

International Cat Day was created in 2002 by the

International Fund for Animal Welfare

The organization works to rescue individual animals and safeguard populations. It also preserves habitats, and is an advocate for greater protection of animals. It was founded in 1969 to stop the commercial hunt for seal pups. The IFAW is one of the largest animal welfare organizations in the world.


Pete, Teddy, and Sam

These Organizations help to promote the proper care of not only feral cats but all cats. This makes it possible so  they can live live long healthy and safe lives.



Like what we do here at Kitty Village. Our kittens have grown up, and are happier and healthier for living here.


Pete and Teddy





Here at the Village we took it one more step by constructing an enclosure not only to protect the villagers, but also to protect other animals that the villagers might want to instinctively hunt.

So Happy International Cat Day to all!


Eye On Smokey

As for Smokey, so far so good. She has not had any adverse effects from the anti bacterial injection she was given. Also, so far there has not been any additional swelling to the eye. Let’s keep our paws crossed.

Keep an eye out (sorry about the pun, Smokey) for our newest blog called Nutty About Nature.

Once again, we thank you for your support and for reading Kitty Village News.