Introducing Orangey

We would like to introduce you to Orangey.

Orangey’s first day at the Village

It was a cool, clear January morning in 2017 that I heard a different sounding meow coming from the back yard. It was a very gentile peep-like sound which I followed to the rear porch door and, to my surprise, standing there was Orangey. She had her ear clipped, identifying her as a feral cat, and was very skinny and very dirty. Even though her ear was clipped she did not act like a feral cat at all, rubbing up against my leg wanting desperate attention.

Orangey looking for a home

It would not be till later on that I found out that Orangey had visited some other neighbors’ homes before coming to Kitty Village but was turned away.

Orangey one year later

We filled a bowl with food and Orangey ate like there was no tomorrow. She was so hungry that, due to eating so fast, she would throw up her food. We had to give her smaller portions in the beginning to regulate this problem. We knew from that instant we met Orangey that she would be a new citizen of Kitty Village.



When she arrived, Orangey would constantly shake her head telling us she needed a visit to our Veterinarian. We discovered she had an ear infection which we had to treat by flushing out her ears and administering medication for over a week. Other then that, she got a clean bill of health and we learned a little about her past and her journey to us.


We had Orangey’s micro chip read and found out that our County Animal Care and Control is where Orangey was brought in reference to TNVR (trap neuter vaccinate return) program in our county. This told us that Orangey was trapped in a neighborhood over eight miles south of us. She then was brought to Animal Care and Control which is seven miles north of us.

When a cat is trapped and brought to Animal Care and Control you have to fill out a form as to where you trapped the cat. They then advise the trapper to return the next or same day and pickup the cat to return to where you trapped. They also advise the trapper that if they do not pickup the cat, Animal Care and Control will return it to the area trapped.

Well, it is apparent that this individual did not want the cat back in his/her neighborhood and due to already giving the location she was trapped, was forced to pick up the cat and then displaced it in another neighborhood. According to the date trapped, Orangey wandered my area for over three weeks before finding Kitty Village.

When Orangey first arrived, she became our rear screened porch resident. She spends 75% of her time on the porch while the other residents would only come by for chow time or water. In time, the others would learn from her and begin spending more time on the porch.

Sweet Orangey

Now Bandit, who protects the residence of Kitty Village from other intruders, accepted Orangey into the Village from the very beginning. We think he knew she needed a home. So Smokey and Bandit adopted Orangey into the family.

Smokey means business if you trespass

Orangey got along with everyone in the Village except for her step sister Samantha. They would actually take turns attacking each other. There would be the occasional scratched nose or we would witness one with a mouth full of hair, but the fights sounded worse then they actually were.

In time, the fights got less and less and now they pretty much avoid each other. During feeding time, Orangey comes inside the kitchen to be fed so Samantha can eat her meal in peace.


Orangey being fed.



When I fill the automatic feeders, Orangey is always there to help out. She lets me know when I put too much food in and removes it for me.



Orangey and Khaki

Orangey and the other Villagers always got along with our Canine residents. Maybe it was because of there size.

Orangey with Kiki






Orangey watching the fence project

Orangey, not being a feral cat,  will always greet anyone who comes onto the porch while the others will flee for cover. She always accepts a deserved head rub or back scratch while most of the others will move away most of the time. Orangey prefers to stay on the porch and only on occasion explores the yard.



Whenever we are out in the yard, Orangey loves to follow us and hang out with us no matter what project we are working on. Well almost any project.



When the lawn mower starts, all Kitty Village residents run and hide.





Now, during a bad storm while the other residents of the Village are scared and hide, Orangey is not bothered.



Well, this is Orange Marmalade or known by the other Villagers as Orangey.

She is here to stay, and the way she acts, never wants to leave.

Welcome Orangey to Kitty Village.



Once again thank you all for your support and keep watching to get to know the rest of the Villagers.

Thank you for reading Kitty Village News.


One Reply to “Introducing Orangey”

  1. Orangey is always affectionate when I stop by Kitty Village. She’s lucky she found you and I’m sure she’s not going anywhere. ?

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