Post Ten: Fence Construction and More About Cats

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Well, the fence project is slowly coming along even with all the rain we are having here in south Florida.

Fence posts

The project will use 38 – 4″ x 4″ x 10′ wood posts. Each post takes one sixty pound bag of cement. At each of the corners of the project, the post gets two bags of cement making the total amount of cement bags 54.

There are eight corner post for the entire project, which makes its way from one end of our house to the other through the back yard area.

Each post then gets a plastic sleeve which slides over the wood post and after that a flat plastic fence panel goes between the posts.

Stay posted (sorry for the pun) for more on the fence project.

Now more about the family living here at Kitty Village.








That is Samantha when she was about a month or two old. She has changed quite a bit. When you look at Sam and her brothers you wonder how they can be from the same litter.

Pete and Teddy are Sam’s brothers

A female cat can remain in heat for up to 21 days. She can mate with more than one male during that period of time and can have a litter which contains kittens from both males.

Teddy, Pete, and Bandit

If you remember, in my past post I spoke about Bandit being very protective of his family and our property from other cats. Or is he also jealous?

Bandit chasing away an intruder
Look closely at who is visiting.








This intruder could possible be Sam’s dad who is visiting. We can not be sure of this but, it could be possible.

Well Bandit did stay with the family from the beginning and as far as he is concerned Sam is one of his. The same way when Orangey showed up one day and Bandit did not chase her away, possibly sensing she needed a home.









Today you can see when Bandit comes onto the porch, Orangey will run up to him and they will rub heads to greet each other. Bandit is a good step dad to Sam and adopted dad to Orangey.


Our next post will be on how we feed the clowder when we are away during feeding time.






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