Post Six: Feral Cats Living on Their Own

How’s Smokey doing?

Everyday she gets better. She is adjusting nicely with her depth perception due to having only one eye.  Because of Smokey’s condition it would be very dangerous to let her back into the wild. As my last post stated, these wonderful animals have a very hard life on their own.

Without human assistance, feral kittens have a high death rate, with approximately 50% dying within the first year.

Smokey getting a massage





Feral cats who survive kitten-hood have an average life span without human care of less than two years.

Smokey and Bandit are almost three years old due to human assistance.


There are wildlife sanctuaries all around the country like Busch Wildlife Sanctuary and Flamingo Gardens here in south Florida. These sanctuaries take in wildlife that are injured, sick and orphaned trying to rehabilitate to release back into the wild or it can be their forever home. Feral cats are like wildlife animals.

This is why I am building Kitty Village to make it a Sanctuary for Smokey and her family and any others that might show up. Here they can be kept safe and can live a decent life with medical care if needed.

We are still building the new Kitty Village Sanctuary and it is starting to take shape.

Construction of double gate entrance to Kitty Village
Gate wall



The Double gate entrance will ensure that one of our guest can not run out while we are entering Kitty Village.


Clearing yard to make room for fencing

Our dream is to someday be able to obtain a large piece of property to become a sanctuary for Feline and Canine who are not wanted. Like Kitty Village it would be operated as non-profit surviving on donations and fund raising just to give these animals a fighting chance in life.

Once again, thank you for supporting our cause and thank you for reading,

Kitty Village News




One Reply to “Post Six: Feral Cats Living on Their Own”

  1. Thanks for the update. I’ll be visiting Kitty Village later today. Can’t wait to see all that you have done already. You both have such big hearts especially for animals. The world needs more like you. Love you both

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