Post Seven: More About Cats


Here is more information about cats so you can learn to understand them better.

Taking a cat nap

Cats can sleep 16 to 20 hours a day and it’s not always a deep sleep. They spend a lot of time taking “cat naps” that build their energy. While taking these short naps they are alert enough to jump up the moment they sense danger or excitement. They sleep so that they are ready to hunt at any time.




They are not lazy or bored.


The cat’s genes tell them what to do. Genes are the tiny instructions built inside the cells of all living things. This makes a species look and act a certain way. These tiny instructions get passed down from the parents to the kittens. So their genes tell them to sleep a lot, especially during the day.

Bandit and Teddy

Ferrel cats live in the wild and don’t live with humans. These cats had to hunt to survive, and they needed a lot of energy for that. Just like lions and tigers, cats sleep more during the day so they’ll be ready to hunt at night, especially around sunrise and sunset.  Most house cats no longer have to hunt, but just in case they do, their genes tell them to nap often so they’ll be ready.

The Kitty Village Enclosure is making progress even with all the rain we have been getting.

Kitty Village Gated Entrance



We are almost finished with Kitty Villages main entrance.



Once again, thank you for supporting our cause for these wonderful animals that came to us one day and thank you for reading,

Kitty Village News