Post Eight: Fence Construction and Meal Time


How can you sleep with all the work going on inside the village?

Pete sleeping on the porch
Inside view

We are almost finished with the main entrance into Kitty Village and have started the fence posts for the east side.



Entrance View



At this rate, we are setting two post per day and only have 25 post to go.

Have started the fence line

Weather has not been bad considering it is south Florida. Yesterday was 94 degrees with 78% humidity. Hate to see what August is going to be like this summer.


Teddy snuck into the kitchen to cool off. Only Teddy and Orange will come into the house and Teddy will not go further then the kitchen entrance way.



Teddy and Bandit


Two customers waiting at the back door for dinner at Kitty Village.


 Every day Twice a day Kitty Village residence are served meals. What happens if we are not here to serve them. We will tell you in a future post.

Lastly, Smokey is doing great and has adjusted the best she can with her handicap. 

Smokey’s Cave

Smokey was afraid during thunderstorms inside her temporary home so we gave her a cave to hide in.





Smokey hiding from the storm

Again, thank you all who have contributed to Kitty Village and Thank you for reading Kitty Village News.





2 Replies to “Post Eight: Fence Construction and Meal Time”

  1. You two are amazing. Kitty Village will be a great success for a family of very lucky kitties. Happy to hear Smokey is doing much better.

  2. Honestly, these are the luckiest kitties !!! And we LOVE the pictures !!! We plan to get by soon !!!!
    Thanks for all you do !❣!

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